Presidential Power

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Since the founding of the United States, there has been a debate over the power of the presidency, in regards to the constitution. In the article, “The Constitution and United States Foreign Policy: An Interpretation”, author Walter LaFeber, examines the theme of presidential power and the constitution in association with American foreign policy. From the beginning of the 1790s, there were debates as to the power that an American president had in the United States and in the world. These arguments continued between the 19th and 20th centuries. What was also important and central to this article, is not only the level of power a president does have in foreign affairs, but also the harmful consequences in using those powers without adhering to …show more content…

Also, these two presidents were able to use public information as a tool for their causes, and it helped to gather support. Woodrow Wilson also sided with the pro-imperialists, believing that the United States had the right to do with these nations as they pleased. It was after both World Wars that arguments and actions occurred against extensions of presidential power. The author mentioned that Dean Acheson, who was President Harry S. Truman’s Secretary of State, criticized the right of the president to be able to use American troops in executing foreign policy, while the Congress has no say in the matter. Also, this was followed by actions by the Supreme Court to say “that Truman had gone beyond his authority by moving to take over strike-bound mills to ensure the steady production of war material”. In the sixties, the outrage and turmoil over the war in Vietnam led to the passing of “the War Powers Act of 1973. The act limited and made more accountable the president’s powers as commander in chief”. This was also done in order for Congress to have more control over the actions of presidents, when troops are involved in foreign