The President Has Too Much Power Essay

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In recent years there has been debate on whether or not the president has too much power. The president 's power has increased over the years, I believe that this increase has given the president way too much power. The amount of power that the president has, can cause total destruction and can manipulate people into doing things that they do not actually believe in. A president should not have some of the powers that he possess, but they are given to him simply because he is the leader of the country. In my opinion the president should be allowed certain powers in order to run the country properly, he is also the leader of the country which grants him the right to have certain powers according to the constitution. With that being said our modern presidents have been given more power than they need and more than they know what to do with causing issues throughout the country and the world. Modern presidents have the power of total destruction, they have the power to manipulate, and their power affects everyone and is not formally given to them. Presidents today have the informal …show more content…

“The president 's power is felt all over the world.” No nation is so remote from the U.S. that they can avoid the repercussions of American diplomacy. The president can abuse their powers and it will affect the U.S as well as other countries that associate with us. “The formal powers as listed in the Constitution say little about a modern president 's real power.” Modern presidents have way more power than was is listed in the constitution, they do not have to follow the guidelines completely like past presidents would have had to. Informal powers are granted to the president now, in order to “better the country.” The president is capable of hurting other countries with his powers and modern presidents have a lot of powers that are not specifically given in the