Pressure Ulcer Case Study

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Question 1. Recognition of the predisposing factors that have contributed to Elsie’s pressure ulcer development. (4 marks)
• Age: Individuals that are beyond the age of 75 are at an increasing risk of developing a pressure ulcer, due to the decrease in functioning macrophage which results in the delay of inflammatory response, collagen synthesis and slower epithelialisation. (Potter, Perry, Stockert & Hall, 2015)
• Nutritional status: Individuals who are receiving an inadequate level of nutrients are at a more vulnerable state of developing pressure ulcers as having an inadequate level of nutrient prevents effective cellular growth and repair. Koutoukidis, Stainton, Hughson & Tabbner, 2013)
• Mobility: Individuals who have a reduced or modified mobility find it difficult to move …show more content…

(2 marks)
• Dietitian: Dietitians has an impact on the multidisciplinary team of a patient in regard to the care and prevention of a pressure ulcer. They help by ensuring that the patient is receiving an adequate nutritional level to help maintain skin integrity. (Samuriwo, 2012)
• Physiotherapists: Physiotherapists helps in regards to prevention or re-occurrence of pressure ulcers by encouraging the patient to become active and mobile. They play an important role as they help maintain skin integrity by evaluating them and making an accurate agreement as part of the patients positioning and if necessary repositioning on a regular basis. (Samuriwo, 2012)
• Wound nurse: Wound nurses plays a significant role within the multidisciplinary team of a patient who has a pressure ulcer. Their role is to review the complex of the pressure ulcer and to ensure that the correct dressing has been applied. They also ensure that the patient and the nurses that care for them have an accurate knowledge about the wounds to which they need to care for. (Samuriwo, 2012)