Price And Feinman Archaeology Summary

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Archaeology, as described by Price and Feinman is the study of our human past, combining the themes of time and change, to give us an understanding of what went on way back then. That change is the alteration of so many things in human history, behaviors, where we lived, and how we lived. Price and Feinman describes how Archaeology is our best way of taking a good look into our past as humans. Humans go back as far as seven million years ago, and if it weren’t for archaeology we wouldn’t know that, also we would have no idea about where these people lived, or how they migrated to new continents across the world creating the first communities. Archaeology has given us one of the only looks into human past, an insight that is needed to understand …show more content…

There are six main societies that are focused on, the hunting and gathering, pastoral, Horticultural, Agricultural, feudal, Industrial, and the postindustrial society that we live in today. A state and society relationship is one between state institutions and societal groups, like those listed here. The relationship was put in place to figure out a way on to exercise public authority among its people, giving structure to people’s lives that they might not have once had. The main focus is on mutual rights and duties of state and society, planning how public resources should be distributed and establishing different levels of responsibility. According to Price and Feinman, state formation is the process of the development of a centralized government structure in a situation where one did not exist prior to its development and these societies were the reasons for state …show more content…

They lived under a social pyramid that split up the people into tiers by what tiers they were born into. Nobody was able to move up the pyramid, because of social standings and although it might seem unfair, this was a form of a pristine state. This form of life had its flaws, but also worked, it had good laws, a good army, and a powerful leader who lead his people with a strong hand, but at the same time was very successful. This strong backbone gave the Egyptian state the pristine label, because it was stable and was able to be so powerful. The Egyptians are known for their pyramids and how amazing they are, but those didn’t just emerge out of nowhere. The leaders of this state controlled his people and they respected him and through this respect for him built him the pyramids, seemingly impossible architectural advances for that time. To this day the early Egyptian style of life is still talked about for how powerful it was and how successful it was as well, making it one of the first pristine states to