Pride In Greek Speech

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President Benson’s message was powerful. I have read it before, in fact, I remember general authorities referring to it often in the 90’s. I thought I knew it well and understood pride. After reviewing it in this lesson and consciously applying it to my marriage, I see how I have misunderstood it and sinned ignorantly as President Benson stated. I was impressed how every example and definition of pride is found in the Book of Mormon. This talk is important and a great example of how we should liken the scriptures to our lives, even as this Book of Mormon message was presented, we were warned to beware of the many faces of pride and how it destroyed the Nephite nation.
Incidentally “Pride” began before the earth was created and Lucifer fell because of it, for he wanted Glory and power to be his. Therefore, Satan enjoys it when we …show more content…

There were many things in President Benson’s talk that were harsh and hard to hear, I don’t want to be prideful to those I love or anyone. There were so many quotes in this talk that gave me much reflection, one of them was “If we love God, do His will, and fear His judgment more than men’s, we will have self-esteem as Christ wants to lift us to where He is, Do we desire to do the same for others?”
In our other readings from Goddard’s book “Drawing Heaven into Marriage”, repentance is what keeps us humble and President Benson points out that humility and meekness are antidotes to pride. If my marriage was free of pride or the many faces of pride, I would truly have a Heavenly Marriage. Apparently, after reading this message, I cannot point the finger at my husband for his weaknesses without bringing pride into our relationship. As President Benson stated I must cleanse my inner vessel by conquering pride and yield to the enticing’s of the Holy Spirit and become as a child, submissive, meek and