Primary Health Care

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Primary health care(PHC) as a concept was officially launched in 1978 at a World Health Organization(WHO)UNICEF conference in Alma Ata, in the former soviet union, at which some 150 governments were represented .The Alma-Ata Declaration(World Health Organization 1978) defined PHC as follows:
Primary health care is essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their participation and at a cost that the community and country can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self-reliance and self-determination. It forms an integral part both of the country`s health system, …show more content…

In order to fulfil these functions, the doctor requires four skills specific to general practice
(Mc Whinney 1997):
1. Skills to solve undifferentiated problems in the context of a continuing personal relationship with individuals and families
2. Preventive skills – the identification of risks and early departure from normality in patients who are known to the doctors
3. Therapeutic skills – the use of the doctor – patient relationship to maximize the effectiveness of all kinds of therapy
4. Resource management skills – the deployment of the resources of the community and the health care system for the benefit of patients.

In many ways, PHC is to the health sector as the three R`s to education. Just as reading, writing, and arithmetic are fundamentals skills that open the door to further learning . primary health care services are the basic tools for health improvement and illness care, and are often the gateway to other health …show more content…

overall satisfaction)and dimensionally(e.g. Salary, interpersonal relations, professional opportunities and organizational practices).(3,4)
Many health care researchers and administrators have noted the importance of job satisfaction on a variety of organizational variables. Job satisfaction influences the quality of health care services. It is thus unlikely that optimal medical care can delivered by unhappy and maladapted health care providers.(5,6) Greater physician satisfaction is associated with appropriate prescribing practices, patient adherence and greater patient

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