There are currently 107 residents in St Mary 's Drumcar healthcare facility. It also has many community based centres around the locality. St. Mary 's is part of Saint John of God Hospitaller Ministries. The Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God is an international Catholic organisation which has over 300 hospitals and centres which provide health and social care in 53 countries worldwide. As it is a Religious Order it is governed by its Constitutions and General Statues, and its world-wide leadership is the Prior General and his Council who are based in Rome, Italy. Regional divisions of the Order are known as Provinces. Ireland is part of the West European Province of Saint John of God which also includes Great Britain and Malawi in Central Africa. This Province is overseen by the Provincial, Brother Donatus Forkan OH. He is supported by a group called the Extended Council which includes Brothers and lay Council members. SJOG is an international organisation that provides a range of health and social care services for adults and children. SJOG is in partnership with government departments, health and educational authorities and other statutory and voluntary agencies nationwide. Saint John of God 's provide a great service in the areas of mental health, intellectual disability and care of the old. Below are some of the services they provide:
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Mary’s School , Drumcar
• Day Care services for people with a Severe & Profound Intellectual Disability in Dundalk and Drogheda
• Adult Day Services for people with a moderate Intellectual Disability at Drumcar, Dundalk and