Nvq Level 2 Health And Social Care Research Paper

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1.1 The main piece of legislation is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This sets out measures employers need to take to protect the safety of others, as far as is reasonably practical. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (amended 2003) make more explicit what employers are required to do to manage health and safety under the Health and Safety at Work Act. Like the Act, they apply to every work activity. The main requirement is for employers to conduct risk assessments for all activities and tasks around the service. Health and Safety is a legal requirement and it is forefront in most of our policies and procedures. Other regulations include The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992, Provision …show more content…

To help me consider this I have studied ‘common core principles to support self-care’, I also keep a copy printed in the office for all to read. Principle 7 is the most relevant here, following the guidance under ‘Support and enable risk management and risk taking to maximise independence and choice’ I make sure I ensure the perceived risk is the risk that needs managing, make sure I consider the possible benefits to the risk (for example learning new skills/making social friends in the community), recognise risks are not a reason not to do something, understand the support can often be changed instead of managing or removing the risk and to ensure the RIGHT balance of risk and independence is …show more content…

I always encourage others to reflect on their practice in relation to risk management so they can see what they have learnt from it and how has it benefited the individual. All staff should understand risks and rights to improve the practice of the service and by complying with the company’s policies and procedures at all times. It is also important that I involve the people that I support when completing risk assessments, this helps them to have an understanding of health and safety and how to assess risk, this will also give them some control over their own safety and wellbeing. When writing risk assessments it is important to remember that risk assessments are there to enable people to keep reasonably safe, not to stop the individual from taking part in an