What Legislation And Standard Practice Exists For Records Management In Community Services?

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11. What legislation and standard practice exists for records management in Community Services?
There are a number of legislations and standard practices for record managements some of these include;
- Archives Act 1983
- Privacy Act 1988
- Australian Government Record keeping MetaData Standard
The standard practice for record keeping is to;
- Have all documentation in chronological order
- Each page clearly identified with client identification
- All records to be legible and clear
- All entries dated, timed, signed and include the position to whom wrote the record.
- All entries be concise and accurate
- All records be kept confidentially
- Facts only
- Only appropriate authorised forms to be used
- Every client encounter be documented
- Blue, …show more content…

This must also exist in and out of the workplace. In Australia there are specific laws relating to sexual conduct with young people that workers need to understand and adhere to. The workers must protect the young persons and themselves always. Some of the legal Acts workers must abide by are;
- Children And Community Services Act 2004
- Family Law Act 1975
- Occupational Health and Safety Act 1984
- Human Rights Act 1993

13. Visit WorkSafe Victoria’s website and respond to the below questions:
a) What legal ‘Act’ and ‘Regulation sets out the key principles, duties and rights in relation to occupational health and safety in Victoria?
Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004

b) Summarise the ‘Employer Rights and Responsibilities’ to provide a safe and healthy workplace for your clients and peers
An Employers rights and responsibilities to provide a safe and healthy workplace include;
- To provide employees with a safe workplace including suitable equipment, guarded where necessary and maintained regularly
- Create safe workplace procedures, operating procedures and prevent and manage fatigue in employees
- Maintain safe conditions within the workplace e.g. proper lighting, ventilation, noise control and provide areas of first …show more content…

Outline the principles and processes of strengths-based practice and how it can be practically applied to group work within the Community Services?
When working with strengths-based approaches towards groups of people it would be important for workers to consider some of the following principles;
- Focus on the strengths and abilities of the people involved rather than the problems persons are facing or going through
- Recognise the strengths of participants. Everyone teaches and everyone learns. Rather the worker being the expert, the worker should utilise participants own expertise
- Involve participants in decisions relating to the purpose of the group. Using strength based approaches the group as a whole will influence the important roles in which the group makes and therefore will determine the way in which the group will take shape and develop
- Focus on the whole person and their social context
- Use appropriate language that is strength based and non-judgemental, inclusive and future orientated
- Encourage experiences where participants can be successful. They can try new skills and have activities that they can be involved in without feeling judged etc.
- Recognise complexity and have commitment to social