Health And Safety At Work Act 1974 (HASAWA)

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Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA)

The Act places a general duty to "ensure so far as is reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare at work of all their employees".

Employers must comply with the Act.
They must;

A) Provide and maintain plant, safety equipment and safe systems of work.
This would mean that the employer would have to make sure that named operatives on site were trained and deemed competent to use/drive a forklift truck and that the forklift was kept in a safe working condition.

B) Ensure materials used are properly stored, handled, used and transported.
This would mean the employer keeping concrete/cement, for example, in a dry area which is only accessible to trained, competent workers who can subsequently use the cement/concrete. …show more content…

E) Provide a safe working environment.
This means providing adequate lighting levels, heating/cooling and ventilation. It also includes providing simple equipment; such as tables and chairs as well as more specialist equipment and the training to use them correctly.

Employee’s responsibilities are;

A) Take care of your own health and safety and that of other persons.
Employees need to look after themselves and understand that they are responsible if someone else is injured as a result of your actions.

B) Co-operate with your employer’s health and safety rules & health and safety law
Speak and communicate to employers so that you have an understanding of what they want doing and ensure that it is done. This being said, it is up the employee to do as they have been told as long as it is safe and reasonably practicable.

C) Must not interfere with anything provided in the interest of health and safety.
This can include altering signs around the workplace, removing them etc.… basically, anything that can affect their own and others health and