Prince Ea Speech

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Sorry, the world isn't a cleaner, better and healthier place. Richard Williams was also known as Prince Ea was born on September 16th, 19988. One of his famous speeches is Dear Future Generations was released on youtube and within the first 48 hours, it already had over 29 million views. The purpose of the speech is how the planet is a mess. Prince Ea speech is important because it acknowledges how terrible of a place our earth has turned into and can change people's way of treating the world. One major reason the Dear Future Generations plays a significant role is that people should take pride in their world and clean it up. Prince Ea delivered a speech on next generations. The first step is ¨I read how the Native Americans had such consideration, for the planet that they feel responsible, for how they left the land for the next seven …show more content…

Telling people how important our world is to us and how bad everyone had been disrupting Earth. Prince inspired people when he shared how the world has changed by cutting down trees, at a rate of 40 football fields every minute, that's 50% of all the trees in the world all gone in the last 100 years. In the great speech, Pince says, ¨We didn't know what we had until it was gone,¨people take the earth for granted. The speech is toward people and how they should take care of the earth and how generations before us took pride in the earth. Perhaps the most important component of the Dear Future Generations is that we burn down trees. It's strange that the quality of Pinces speech by a modern youtube video. Many great speakers of today became famous through not giving up, the ability to reach out to million of people around the world through videos. Dear Future Generations have many qualities that make it a great speech. To start off, Prince recognized how big of a mess the planet has turned into. Prince goes to schools all around the world to deliver