Princess Tiana In 'Princess And The Frog'

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Princess Tiana is a character I am very fond of based on her hard work mentality and unique desire to own her own restaurant when she grows up. Although she encounters many hardships, she ultimately gains from these trials and becomes more successful than she imagined. Her family supports her and her dreams to have her own family restaurant one day. Working so hard, she often fails to let herself have fun.
Although naïve Tiana accidentally turns herself into a frog, this incident is where her adventure truly begins. Throughout Tiana’s adventure, she meets unordinary new people that teach her to enjoy life but to also make the best of it and work hard. In the end, through adventure, hard work and helping others, Tiana becomes a better person with more knowledge about herself and eventually opens up her family restaurant with her father. In addition to learning, Tiana also teaches Prince Naveen …show more content…

She continues to keep going with that same mindset of “ I’m almost there”. Throughout the movie “ Princess and the Frog”, Tiana continuously tells Prince Naveen about hard work and achieving whatever he wanted. I can relate to her dedication and belief of hard work because of how dedicated I am to school and using my education to take me far in life. Although I don’t want to open a restaurant, I want to become a doctor and I know that will take a lot of hard work. Growing up in a supportive family, I’ve been taught that working hard is the only way to become successful. Of course, nobody’s journey is easy, and I feel that Tiana’s story really displays that. I feel that I have odds against me just as Tiana does. She becomes a frog and misses out on many opportunities just as I am an African American. I believe that I can relate to Tiana’s story because of the twisted fate she goes through that eventually leads her to the goal she