Principal Support And Business Analyst For NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS)

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Question 1

a) I work as a Principal Support and Business Analyst for NHS Wales Informatics Service (NWIS), where I am responsible for managing a team of six business analysts, who support and maintain the Welsh Radiology Information System (WRIS). NWIS is a Public Sector orgnaisation, responsible for providing Information Management and Information Technology (IT) services, and support to all NHS organisations within Wales. NWIS supports over seventy national services, including systems used in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Care (NWIS, 2017).
WRIS is primarily a secondary care system and is used in Radiology in all hospitals throughout Wales. As the Principal Support and Business Analyst, I am primarily responsible for ensuring that the WRIS application performs to the requirements of its users and clinicians. I am also responsible for ensuring that all service requests, incidents and change records, are maintained and resolved in line with Service Level Agreements (SLA’s).
(i) In December 2016, …show more content…

Currently, NHS Wales Informatics Service faces a significant opportunity in developing a ‘Once for Wales’ approach to software applications in Wales. An external context, that technically involves amalgamating functionality from various systems into one main patient administration system (PAS). Strategically, this change involves integration between health organisations, building better quality software, with a commitment to avoid duplication and so improving patient care; ‘doing things once for Wales’ (NWIS, 2017).
Furthermore, NHS Wales Informatics Service currently faces a signifcant threat from cyber-attacks; on 12th May 2017, a coordinated Ransomware attack affected hundreds of thousands of organisations globally. One of the biggest organisations affected in the UK was the NHS (NHS Digital,

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