Privatization Of Space Exploration Essay

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…Write an essay that synthesizes material from at least three of the sources and develops your position on the extent to which privatizing space exploration is beneficial. The net outcome of the privatization of space exploration is beneficial because it can increase innovation, leading to lower costs and faster progress in space technology and exploration. This “privatization” is referring to the transfer of the industry of space exploration from government agencies to private companies. It is difficult to view this topic in a sense of bad or good due to the fact that there is an abundance of factors to take into consideration. However, by analyzing commercial, moral, and scientific values, we can look beyond the risks and downsides. The …show more content…

Source C is a great example of how putting an intelligent mind with deep pockets at the forefront of this industry produces results. It is clear that money is needed to change space exploration from an idea to a reality. NASA has needed a large amount of government and public funding to scratch the surface of this concept. In fact, Source C states, “The increase in launch competition and drop in launch prices is called the “Space X” effect for a good reason”. Notice that improvements being made in the business are known as the “Space X effect”, which is a privatized company, not the “NASA effect”. The undeniability that private companies promote advancements in the space industry while handling some of the cost issues has a large impact on my …show more content…

What I am referencing is source E, a cartoon. Although it may seem like a simple drawing of a family on the moon, that simplicity allows for many interpretations. People seem to get too caught up in the numbers and logistics, causing them to forget about the effect privatized space exploration has on us as people. Every day we are missing out on the chance to experience an amazing and beautiful part of our world due to unattainable prices. These privatized companies are fighting to find innovative solutions to this issue. Source E shows a family that doesn’t appear to be overly wealthy looking at a sign on the moon that says “Resort Area”. While I understand that this drawing could have negative connotations or create worries about the commercialization of planets or moons, it spoke to me in a different way. I realized how this may be the end product of successful privatized space exploration where anybody can travel past our atmosphere. This, to me, is overwhelmingly