Pro Athletes Should Get Paid Essay

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Did you know that the Pro Athletes are paid a fair amount because of all the injuries they have? The topic sentences that you are going to hear about are about the injuries of the pro athletes. The fair amount of money they get paid. Also the things you have to do to be good at baseball. I am here to convince you that pro athletes are paid a good amount of money. I can admit that they might get paid a little too much but it is because they risk their lives for our entertainment of others and they risk their injury. It is very important because there was a player who shattered their bones and their whole face. You may think now that it might be a good idea to get paid more money because of the way they risk their whole life playing sports …show more content…

They also need a lot of money to pay for health insurance for any injuries that they may have lots of them are very expensive and some you may not be able to fix because you break some many bones and some baseball players die from getting hit by a baseball the speed of the baseball could have something to do with all of this. Every thing that they decided is their life career what they may eat, drink,wear and drive is part of their career so you should stay in shape when you play baseball so you could get a home run that is only my opinion other people may be against all the stuff that I said but all I am trying to say is be safe when playing baseball it might not be fun but maybe if you try it out. Though I have never played softball or baseball ever in my life but I do now some family and friends that enjoy playing both baseball and softball even if you not in the league for baseball or softball meaning profession you still could get hurt their are people who get hit in the face or they could break their thumb that is a good reason why we have things to catch the baseball with such as gloves and the catchers were a type of mask. It is important to know the rules of baseball such as the safety of baseball.
I agree with the side that they are paid a good amount of money. In conclusion I believe that pro athletes are paid a really good