Problems With Environmental Racism In The United States

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Environmental racism is something that affects all communities in horrible ways. Some people around the world have problems with racism everyday such as rich and poor communities. Other people around the world have racism problems such as black and white people. Environmental racism is something that all people around the world deal with everyday. To begin with, Environmental racism starts with the people in all communites. For example “ Governmental needs… somehow, it ends up in a poor, minority neighborhood”. The government will put all the toxic fluids in Black and Hispanic neighborhood if need something. The authors also say “ Bills moving through the Florida House and Senate call for a statewide study of the issue by a newly created commission of…”. This will get the government to start trying to fix the problem with environmental racism. The author state “it cited a world bank estimate that poor countries need as much as …show more content…

For example “ Rich countries argue that $100 billion a year to shield poor countries from climate impacts is an “unrealistic demand…” This shows how our country don’t want to really help the poor after they destroyed. The author says “ The oppression, the …” This show that rich countries treat the poor wrong. The article also states “ Rich countries their money is better spent on technology and “innovation” to shield them selves from climate catastrophe. This show how countries think that technology is better than the country. To conclude, some people around the world have a problem with racism everyday such as rich and poor communities. Other people around the world have racism problems such as black and white. Environmental racism is something that all people around the world deal with everyday. Environmental racism is a problem that can be solved with the help of the government, which should fix it before it destroy every

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