Process Essay: The Anatomy Of Draft Horse

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The anatomy of draft horses are not necessarily the easiest to remember. There are roughly about 43 main parts that vary in every person. Since most people do not call certain parts the exact same thing even if there is a correct term there can often be some confusion. Even if there is a little bit of confusion most of the names for the part of a draft horse are very similar. Even though there are many parts in the anatomy of a draft horse lots of people still learn to memorize all these parts or at least most of them. As you can see in my diagram of the anatomy of the gentle giant I have separated the parts into five areas. The first two areas I have are the horses head through its shoulders. In this space there are about 19 parts; the muzzle, nostrils, face, eye, forehead, ear, poll, cheek, jaw, throatlatch, neck, crest, shouldered, shoulder, withers, point of shoulder, breast, and arm. These 19 parts are the frontal part of the horse not including their two front legs. These are the parts of your horse closest to you while showing. The horses head and shoulders are also the main part of the horse that you use while showing. These parts in the frontal zone are the most important while showing because the head and neck of the horse allows you to make the horse …show more content…

These parts are the elbow, forearm, knee, cannon, fetlock joint, pastern, foot, gaskin, and hock. The legs of a horse are the key part to a horse while showing the horse in showmanship. Their legs are important because they are what make them so tall and make them look beautiful and when their feet are set up they make the horse look strong and powerful. Even though the diagram that is shown that is not the only part in the horse’s foot. There are other parts under the foot and there is about ten parts in their foot (diagram in my first year’s essay of the foot). Therefore, even some parts aren’t always known or shown in show

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