Process Summary: Softball Catching Basics

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Softball Catching Basics
Being a catcher in softball requires all kinds of physical movement using a glove and a ball. A catcher wears a helmet with a facemask, an upper body shield, and leg pads. All these materials are very important in keeping the catcher safe and unharmed. A catcher stands behind the plate catching the ball that a pitcher throws.

The techniques a catcher uses are purposefully done in order to persuade the ump to think the ball is a strike even if it is not. This type of technique is called framing. Framing a ball is very important because if a ball is framed correctly it could change the umps mind of the pitch being a ball to being a strike. Framing consists of quickly and steadily bringing the ball into the strike zone. There are many different ways to catch the ball. There is an inside, outside, top, bottom, and ground catch. The inside catch is framed on the inside of the plate near the batter. Most batters find it difficult to get …show more content…

The catcher is watching for the runner to either get a too big of jump or to go on to the next base. If the runner does get too far away from the base they are going to or coming from, the catcher has to be able to throw to a base to try to get the person out. A catcher has a quick jump up from a squat and a quick release throwing the ball as seen in figure two. A catcher also pops up quick to catch any ball that may have gone off the batters bat and behind the plate.

Conclusion: Catching is one of the most difficult positions that can be played on a softball field. Once a person learns the proper footwork and stance for catching it makes it a lot easier. Catchers are the ones that have to be always talking on the field because they can see everything that is happening. They are the eyes for the infield. Catchers have a very big role on a softball team and need to act like