
Professional Development Lessons

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Analysis of major lessons relating to professional development
During the programme, different modules were taught and case studies and business scenarios were discussed and analysed both individually and as a group in the class. These modules are very significant in my learning experience as I gained some key skills which are very important to my career and professional development
Marketing management: this module helps me to understand the principle of marketing, analysis of market and how organisation can use gathered market data and information to increase their market share, by identifying their market target through segmentation and application of strategic marketing tools for business success. Various case studies were discussed, …show more content…

Factors to consider when exploring an international market. Various case studies were discussed, class was divided into groups with each group doing a presentation lessons learned
How to conduct market research
Management of entrepreneur: this module taught me step by step to starting your own company. I learnt the importance of creativity and innovation. The programme taught me how to develop a business plan, write a feasibility studies, conduct market research and analysis, how to gathered market information and how to prepare business accounting, how to apply strategic framework and how to develop a business model. Various case studies were discussed, class was divided into groups with each group doing a presentation lessons learned
• I learn how to develop a strategic plan and business

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