Reflection On Professional Expectations For Learning

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Professional Goal:

After looking back at my recorded lesson, notes from both my CT and Field Supervisor, and the analysis of my TWS sequence, I learned that one key area I need to work on is clearly and effectively explaining my expectations. This aligns with the Danielson Framework Dominion 3a - Communicating With Students: expectations for learning. Case and point would be the summative assessment where a little under 50 percent of my students did not meet proficiency. This experience has shown me how clearly stating your expectations depending on the age group you are communicating can drastically changes the assessment outcomes.
As a goal I want to practice communication between students and myself, in hopes that there will be less late assignments and less confusion about my expectations. I want them to understand that when I set a due date that’s actually when the assignment is due. If I become better at communicating with my students it is my hope that the assessment data, I will be collecting in the future, will not look as drastic from start to finish as it was with this unit.

Rationale: What I see …show more content…

I have started by having the students repeat back the instructions; this would be useful for lessons that include items like Geo-terms. In more complex situations such as creating a Tree-chart, to explain the Push and Pull factors of migration into the US, I have started by doing a practice problem with the students. I am creating the same assignment under a projector for students who have a hard time following in hopes that they can visually see what I’m talking about instead of listening to me talk and getting confused. When we did the second Tree-chart for the unit all I had to do was to ask them to verbally go step-by-step through it with me and most of the students understood what was needed for the