Professional Development: The Four Stages Of Career Development

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A career stage model explains the four stages that individuals pass through in their vocations. Model career development is the lifelong process of managing of employee’s work experience within or between organizations encompasses that continue through a person’s working adulthood and into retirement. The four stages consist of occupational and organization (preparation for work), the early career, the middle career and last part is late career refer figure 1 in appendix 1. That a career consists of different stages and the individual is confronted with different issues during each of these stages. Model of career development have identified age ranges in which individual typically encounter the task associated with each stage of career development. …show more content…

This is begin on typical age range is 55 years old of retirement. Retirement and age at retirement is the one issue that has been discussing over the year. This issue is particularly important especially in given the pressure for an increase of retirement age. This is related to the pension system that threatened where the reproduction rates are low. There is an opinion that late career model is associated with better quality of life and even with increase survival (Tsai, 2005). In a retirement survey in 1994, 37 per cent of women aged 55-59 were still working in the workplace. Since the 19th century, general known that a life-cycle in which early adolescence coincides with a period of preparation for working life and followed by a longer period of employment. Generally, many adult people prefer to stay in paid employment if it were available. A report to the Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education and Training in 1993 estimated that they amounted to somewhere between 15 and 30 per cent of persons aged 60 and over (Ken, 1993). The individual in this age of retirement, they are facing two major challenges. Firstly, he or she should struggle to remain productive and contributors to the organizations and maintain his or her self-confidence and honor especially for older worker. Nevertheless, the maintenance of productivity and self-esteem is often hindered by changes within the individual and by society’s bias …show more content…

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