Assignment: Career Development And Self Improvement

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The purpose of this assignment/personal development plan is to write myself a detailed plan outlining my current reality and the future aspiration for career development and self-improvement. I will be completing the plan with the solid steps which will be outlined in the action plan section of this document for the future improvement.
Several instruments were used, throughout the course, to determine the key themes relevant to my potential areas of development are indicated below:
• TKI Conflict Mode Instrument: Need to adopt more Collaborative Style
• GEIT Emotional Intelligence: Relationship Management
• Resilience Test: Social Support & Purposefulness
• MindTools - Leadership Skills: Providing Compelling Vision, Support …show more content…

Apart from GEIT assessment, I know that I am very straight forward and introvert type of person. I usually do not go to people personally and remind them for the work that I have assigned, keeping in mind that everyone should do their job without external influence or priority setting. This has proven to be non-effective often and personal relationship matters the most.
Resilience Test Resilience is our ability to bounce back when things don 't go as planned. It 's a quality that we all possess to some degree, but some of us can draw on it more easily than others can. Resilience is important because it keeps us on track until we reach our goals, it allows us to deal with difficult situations, and it helps us to grow by encouraging us to look at the positives and to manage …show more content…

My Future Reality
I have already crossed 40 and my career progress is in very good shape. The picture below can sum it up: I am currently between principal consultant and Manager as my current job title is Head of IT Operations and I report to IT manager.
For the future reality, I believe this word cloud is the best fit: This depicts the career progression via innovative ideas coupled with leadership skills I have learned in this course.
For career progression, I have specific plans about technical skills, soft skills & self-grooming for the management role.
My Top Strengths:
• Strong Technical Skills and Knowledge
• Problem solving analytical skills
• Decision Making Skills
• Influence and Negotiations