Professional School Counselor Observation

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The Professional School Counselor (PSC) who was observed in this assignment is named Allison Otting. A PSC at Kirkwood Elementary School. The students at this school have two special subjects a day (gym, music, or classroom guidance). This allows her to meet with each class once a week.
The classroom guidance material that she was teaching on this day was about the students private parts. This was demonstrated to the students by the parts that are covered up with a bathing suit while at the beach. In addition to this, the lesson also went into detail about appropriate vs. inappropriate touch, not holding secrets from parents, and students having the right to choose who is allowed to touch them. The lesson observed took place in a first grade classroom. The Professional School Counselor taught at the smart board and had the students sit on a carpet that was at the center of the room. This provided the counselor with close physical proximity to the students for a more effective lesson plan. The counselor also used visual aids such as cards that had pictures of students with bathing suits on. The primary teacher remained in the room. However, she was disengaged from the lesson plan.
Observation of the Professional School Counselor …show more content…

An example of this was in the way that she discussed private anatomical parts as “the parts covered up by your bathing suite”. Another way that she did this was having realistic expectations for the age group that she was teaching. Such as having students answer less difficult questions. These considerations are important because elementary has the largest range of development from class to class. Therefore, counselors need to adapt classroom guidance lessons specifically to the age of the group they are teaching (Ziomek-Daigle