Project 1: Peppa Pig: Developmental Psychology

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Tehilla Silverberg Developmental Psychology Match 30, 2017 Project 1: Peppa Pig Peppa Pig is a television show catered to young children ages 2-7 years old that helps children with language, cognitive, and emotional development. Peppa Pig features a young pig as the main character of the series. In the show we follow Peppa Pig and her family and friends on different experiences they encounter in each episode. Each individual in Peppa’s life is a different animal with his or her last name matching the animal he or she is. For instance Peppa’s friend …show more content…

In one episode Peppa and her little brother George went on a treasure hunt prepared for them by their grandparents. Peppa and George had to use their minds and think creatively as well as follow the treasure map in order to discover where the treasure was hidden. a-What exact age group does this project address? Peppa Pig is targeted toward children between the ages of 2 and 7 years old. b-What developmental skill or skills does this project address? (eg.:social, emotional, cognitive, physical) Peppa Pig helps with language, cognitive, and emotional development. B.F Skinner was a behaviorist who developed the operant conditioning theory. Operant conditioning is a learning experience which occurs when an action is conducted and is followed by either a positive or negative consequences. The consequence will determine if the individual is likely to repeat the action or not. B.F Skinner believes operant conditioning is crucial for proper language development. When a child speaks for the first time and the parents responds with excitement and smiles this behavior encourages the child to attempt to speak more frequently. The more a child is listened to when he or she speaks the more likely the child will continue to put in the effort to speak. In addition, the more a child is spoken to, and sung to the more advanced their language development will be. In Peppa Pig there is a lot …show more content…

Vygotsky also believed that every aspect of a child's cognitive development is dependent on social context. According to Vygotsky's zone of proximal development there are certain activities a child or any person for that matter can only accomplish with the assistance of another individual. In order for a child to master a new skill a mentor must provide scaffolding to help the child. Scaffolding is a temporary support to help the learner master a new task. In Peppa Pig, Peppa is always learning new things. However, there are many activities Peppa cannot yet do on her own such as read a map, make a garden, and bury treasure, etc. Therefore, the adults in Peppas life are always around to help out when they can. Specifically Grandpa Pig who is alway being a mentor to Peppa and George. Vygotsky believes language develops through private speech, and social mediation. Private speech is when one talks to themselves, and social mediation occurs through human interaction usually when someone explains something to another individual through