Prokaryotes Vs Eukaryotes

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The cell is the structural and functional unit of life. All living organisms on earth are made up of one or more cells.
Bacteria is single cellular microscopic organism. The singular world of bacteria is bacterium.Bacteria have been grouped into prokaryotic, which means absence of nucleus. Basically organisms could be categorized as Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes (Jones et al, 2007). Prokaryotic cells are divided into two main domains as Archae and Bacteria whereas Eukaryotes are into one single domain as Eukarya. (Jones et al, 2007). The most common example of a prokaryote is Bacteria. Bacteria lacks a defined nucleus and do not have membrane bound organelles. Bacteria have a circular DNA present on the cytoplasm and extra genetic material …show more content…

Similarity in the sequence data for bacterial DNA, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) which is derived from Alphaproteobacteria and chloroplast DNA from Cyanobacteria, the agent of louse-borne typhus in human beings, has capped speculation that the rickettsia subdivision of purple bacteria is virtually a sibling (‘sister’) group of mitochondria. As expected, genomic size is both reduced and tailored by Ri. Prowazekkii’s parasitic life styles – the 834 complete open reading frames (ORFs), or protein-encoding genes, of Ri. Prowazekii is scared 20% of the ORFs of Escherichia coli, a free-living (enterobacterium) purple bacterium. Neverthe less, Ri. Prowazekii ‘s ORFs still represent 10 times more genes than those in the most bacterial-like mtDNA (that of Reclinomonas americana, and Ri. Prowazekii also has physically more DNA than Re. Americana (1 111 523 base pairs (bp) in Ri. Prowazekii, compared with 69 034 bp in Re Americana mtDNA), a remarkably large part of which excess (24%) is attributed to noncoding DNA. Thus, DNA in mitochondria, seems to have been drastically ‘down-sized’ following the exile to nucleated cell cytoplasm. Explain the trafficking mechanism of mitochondrial proteins encoded by nuclear DNA and discuss the symptoms of one (1) mitochondrial cytopathy results due to protein …show more content…

In the past much attention has focused on how regulation of cell proliferation controls the production of new cells. However, examination of tissues from adult organisms demonstrates that the majority of cells are not dividing. Consequently the regulation of cell number must inevitably depend upon the control of cessation of cell proliferation. Moreover, since in many tissues cell production is a permanent occurrence, there must be well defined mechanisms for regulating cell loss. In recent years the idea that apoptosis is a common mechanism for regulating cell loss has become well

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