
Prometheus Research Paper

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The myth of Prometheus is timeless, having been first written around the 8th century BC, by the ancient Greek poet Hesiod. Prometheus (a name that means "forethought") was one of the central figures of the battle that transpired between the Titans and the Olympian gods to seize control of the heavens. Although Prometheus had initially sided with the Titans, he ultimately defected to the Olympians when the Titans would not take heed of his advice. The most famous action taken by Prometheus after he had defected was undoubtedly his theft of fire from Zeus, and his subsequent provision of the fire to humanity. This act has been depicted many times in artwork over the many years since the myth’s creation, and this reiteration in artwork has helped …show more content…

One of the most important elements of myths to take note of and think about is their themes. In the myth of Prometheus’ theft of the fire, Prometheus decides that humans should be able to make progress in their world as a species. Since this event sparks the main conflict in the myth, it serves as an indicator that a critical theme of the Prometheus myth is the idea that we should have compassion for those who we are not directly acquainted with. Prometheus himself also acts as an archetype and a symbol within his myth. He serves as a rebel archetype, as is indicated glaringly by his act of defection from the side of the Titans to the side of the Olympians during the battles between the Titans and the gods; these battles were known as the Titanomachy. As Prometheus’ name means “forethought”, the character serves as a symbol for the practice of thinking ahead and planning before engaging in a situation. As forethought is typically seen as a sign of intelligence, it is logical that the fire featured in the myth serves as a symbol of a related idea. Zeus’ fire, as stolen by Prometheus, symbolizes intelligence and technological innovation. Eventually, as punishment for supplying the human race with fire, Prometheus was punished by Zeus, who decided to bind Prometheus with chains to the Caucasus Mountains and have an

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