Promote Bullying In Schools Essay

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Physical Education Promotes Bullying in School
Bullying in schools is a prevalent and serious problem amongst adolescences. Although there has been plenty of studies of the health factors involved with victims oh bullying like obesity, depression, anxiety, etc, not enough light has been shed on how bullying occurs in physical activity settings such as physical education (PE). Most of the promoters of bullying begin in physical education settings and have been shown to also cause the victim of bullying to neglect attending physical education classes because of this fear of constant bullying. No evidence has been show whether bullying affects each gender more than another but there is evidence shown how males are affected more by something called a direct form of bullying, while females are more effected by an indirect form of bullying. School officials also play big roles in preventing and reducing bullying in physical education class by …show more content…

The two forms of bullying were also addressed as it pertained to genders who were evidently more affected by either form of bullying. Physical competence was also introduced as a form of positive implication to help increase the level of physical activity and prevent students from not attending physical education classes because of bullying. Lastly some solutions were provided to school faculty and teachers implement correct policies and programs to help ensure that bullying is taken seriously and to educate students to not engage in these types of behaviors. The more aware this sensitive and serious issue are addressed the closer we can get to creating a school environment were bullying is not tolerated and students can obtain a healthier lifestyle by being physically fit and mentally