Example Of EBP Project Paper

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School” hotline where students can call in and report any detrimental behavior among students anonymously. Most bullying instances that are reported are not done so anonymously. The student and teacher or staff member will complete the required “Report of Bullying Allegations” form to properly record and document the details of the incident. All recorded reports must be reported to the Indiana Department of Education. The La Porte Community School Corporation has an anti-bullying committee that is comprised of counselors and educators employed throughout the school system. This committee is helpful in implementation of the project because these will individuals will be the champions of change. Having a devoted resource is essential for training …show more content…

The purpose of this EBP project is to implement an evidence-based anti-bullying program that is based in whole-school fundamentals that allows schools staff, parents, and students to gain the knowledge and insight to recognize bullying and intervene immediately when necessary. The project also examines the current training and education provided to school staff members regarding bullying and add to the knowledge base using a whole-school approach program. The goals of this project were to increase school staff knowledge and comfortability intervening in bullying incidents, decrease self-reported bullying occurrences, decrease observed bullying instances, and improve overall comfortability and safety within the school environment. The PICOT (patient population, intervention of interest, comparison intervention or status, outcome and timeframe) framework was used to guide the project and develop a systematic approach to retrieving the best available evidence and supporting data. The PICOT at the core of the project’s purpose is: For elementary school staff, does the use of an EBP anti-bullying training program reduce peer reports of observations of bullying incidents and increase the teachers’ readiness to intervene or report bullying incidents in grades K-5 compared with current anti-bullying school practices over a …show more content…

Students that bully in older grades have often been bullying since they were much younger in age. These individuals grow and develop believing that bullying and victimization is a tolerable behavior. This type of behavior often continues into adulthood and can lead to criminal activity. Many times, bullies are impulsive, have a strong need to dominate others, have little empathy for others, and have a positive view of themselves (Olweus, 1993). By implementing an evidence-based practice anti-bullying program in an elementary school setting, educators and school staff will learn how to identify bullies and victims and have confidence and support to intervene during bullying incidences, thus reducing bullying in the classroom. Awareness is the first step in creating a successful bullying prevention program. Teachers and school staff need to be able to recognize the indications of bullies and victims and be knowledgeable in preventing and dealing with victimization incidents. Through the implementation of an evidence-based anti-bullying program the anti-bullying committee will be in compliance with state law. Awareness and knowledge surrounding bullying will be increased for both students and faculty and lines of communication will be established that will improve school relationships between peers and staff. In