Pronunciation In Namibia

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1.1 Background/ context information This paper is going to presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, research questions and significance of the study. Moreover, the paper will also cover limitation of the study.
Namibia is a country of multi-lingual, multicultural country where its citizens are free to speak and express their culture in their own language. After Namibia got its independence, English was made as the official language and a medium of instruction from Grade four to high institutions and is offered as a Second Language especially in the northern Namibia. Researcher and papers have showed that in most Namibian schools, English is one of the subject that contribute to high failure rate in examination at all …show more content…

1- 2). So, reading words with correct pronunciation will make you to comprehend what you are reading and to be understood by those that are listening to you. However, a word can be spoken in different ways by various individuals or groups, depending on numerous factors such as; the duration of the cultural experience of their childhood, setting, speech, ethnic and their social class or their education. Pronunciation is defined as the way a word is said or a way in which someone utters a word. So British pronunciation is the acceptable correct pronunciation in English Second Language.

The overall aim of teaching English Second Language is to develop learners’ communicative skills for meaningful interaction in the multicultural society. Therefore, English need conscious attention specifically on pronunciation of words, not just a concern to English teachers but all subject teachers. Thus, responsibility is required to assist learners, so that they could be able to read words correctly or effectively in all subjects.
During my SBS experience, the researcher observed learners reading words with wrong pronunciations or mispronouncing some words. This has motivated …show more content…

What are the causes of the incorrect pronunciation when reading English words?
2. What are the appropriate strategies that need to be employed to improve learners’ pronunciation in English?
1.4 Significance of the study
The information from this study would serve as the basis of sensitizing the teachers about the importance of correct pronunciation and create awareness about the use of effective pronunciation methods.
The beneficiaries of this study are; Ministry of Education, teachers teaching English Second Language and learners. The Ministry will conduct in-service training workshops to help the teachers to acquire knowledge and skills. When the English teachers are well equipped on pronouncing English words, they will be in a position to help learners to improve on pronouncing English words. Learners will acquire the knowledge from teachers in English lessons and utilize the methods that will help them to improve their