Propaganda In 1984

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Throughout the world there has always been a lack of privacy. 1984 by George Orwell is a cautionary tale about an uncontrolled government, in which every man and women is always being watched. In North Korea a leader by the name of Kim Jong Un is known to be a ruthless leader and dictator. North Korea's leader has been a terrible leader in which he kills his own people and uses false propaganda which leads his people to there own death. North Korea and 1984 both have a strong sense of propaganda in which this leads to the people of North Korea to fall into a black hole of believing in the faulted propaganda. North Korea and 1984 both have a leader in which there is a sense of dictatorship,which leads to the people's own demise. North …show more content…

North Korea is having issues with their leader because he is a dictator. Big Brother and Kim Jong Un are both dictators. They demand respect and do not give people choices when it comes to freedom. Jonathan Emord explains “self preservation is a powerful motivation for any dictator. For a young one perceived as immature and weak, the need to prove otherwise can lead to extreme actions, such as attacks on South Korea or even on the US military. While a nuclear attack is threatened, it is unlikely. Nevertheless, if push comes to shove and Jong-Un is at risk of being deposed”(Page 2). North Korea's dictator was afraid of being thought of as weak so just to make a point he makes threats to other countries. Big Brother uses fear based discipline to make sure that the people of Oceania do not do something that will not be beneficial to the party. Winston exclaims, “power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship” (Orwell 275). People of Oceania are so brainwashed to the point where they think their leadership is fine. Dictators all around the world convince people that dictatorship is the only way. 1984 and North Korea are both guilty of doing that horrific deal. Dictators all around “as usual, the ruling groups of all three powers are simultaneously aware and unaware of what they are doing”(Orwell 207). Citizens are completely oblivious to all of the actions that are taking place during the time of work from there dictators. People of Oceania and North Korea only see what the dictators form of the truth is, in which this leads to people getting false