Proposal For Inquiry-Based Research Paper

1745 Words7 Pages

Salma Zuniga Rojas
Professor Grewe
English 101-FY07
13 November 2017
Proposal for the Inquiry-based Research Paper
What is the general topic of your inquiry? Briefly describe it in general terms (i.e. what are the central issues, current debates, its relevance, does scholarship deal with it, etc.).

The general topic in the inquiry paper is gender. From various perspectives, gender is questioned as being socially constructed. There are two main categories for gender, male or female, but gender goes beyond those categories. The genders, male or female is considered ‘inside’ the box while every other gender is ‘outside’ the box. The genders ‘outside’ the box is debated by society, because of the idea that gender is determined by sex. …show more content…

Even at a young age, children sense consequences related to not choosing the correct toy that is guided towards their gender. Many of the students want to step outside their gender norms, but are afraid of the consequences that may occur. Trying to fit ‘inside the box’ has its consequences as well, the stereotype of being a man being strong leads to men overworking their bodies, while women are often portrayed as thin, they strive for a specific weight leading to eating disorders. The article is useful for the demonstration of a set of norms expected from each gender in order to be identified as a boy or girl. The gender stereotypes affect young …show more content…

People usually gravitate towards friends with the same concepts of gender identity and gender behavior. Boys felt more as members of their gender group , but felt more pressure to conform to gender than girls. The girls believed their gender was superior to others and had a higher intergroup bias than boys. Eighth graders felt pressure for gender conformity. If someone felt pressure for gender conformity and had a friend with even a higher level pressure of gender conformity, then the pressure increased even more for the other individual. There was no difference between boys or girls for peer influence. Adolescents who make negative comments about other genders will develop more negative stereotypes adolescents changed their levels of peer felt pressure to become similar to the levels of felt pressure experienced by their