Pros And Cons Of Abortion Essay

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Abortion: Who’s choice is it really?
For a long time, abortion has been the topic of many headlines and political debates in the United States of America. There have also been many scientific debates over whether or not the bundle of cells growing inside a mother is consider to be “alive” or not. America has essentially been divided on an issue which has posed an age long question, and it doesn’t seem like there will be any end to it that will seemingly benefit both sides. Although, there are concerns and reasons behind all this madness, research has shown that this is a viable issue which needs to be solved sooner than later. For this essay, I will discuss what it means to be “pro-choice”, what it means to be pro-life, and thoroughly explain the process of abortion and how it impacts someone who is having one.
When someone says, they are pro-life, they are saying they choose life over choice, which means they are against abortion. There have been many groups of people who have spoken out against this cause such as organizations like churches and offices in politics. In “The Real Pro-Life Stance”, a congressman by the name …show more content…

Stupak argued that recommitting the bill to add his original amendment "does not promote life," that it was the Democrats who stood "for the principle of no public funding for abortions," and that the presidential executive order would ensure the continuation of this tradition. He noted that under the bill, pregnant women "will finally have pre- and postnatal care" and "if the child is born with medical problems, we provide medical care without bankrupting the family." He concluded that to recommit the bill "under the guise of protecting life is disingenuous. This motion is really to politicize life, not prioritize life.” (Annas