Pros And Cons Of Affirmative Action

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Affirmative Action is causing reverse discrimination and devaluing merit-based accomplishments.

In case you’re wondering how if this topic is even still relevant, let me be clear. The Supreme Court ruled to allow schools’ policies to include limited use of affirmative action less than one year ago (according to CNN Politics).

Still not convinced? Read the The Boston Globe. They recently revealed that college counselors have witnessed students having higher admission success into colleges when they purposely “appear less Asian”, causing a new trend to “deemphasize Asianess” on applications.

And though it is sad, it is true. Including and excluding race is often an abundantly used tool in the “soul-deadening process” of college admissions. …show more content…

But because of the devaluing of merit and accomplishment that comes within affirmative action, Johnny is failing his way through classes that are then plummeting him into a deep debt of student loans without any academic credits to show for those big dollars. Had he just been accepted to the school that matched his merit abilities he would be putting those pretty pennies towards A’s and B’s, as curriculum with a touch less of academic rigor would suit him just fine.

Now, I’ve got the merit and the academic ability to soar at that institution. But because affirmative action makes way for reverse racial discrimination, I will not have the chance to excel. Instead, my hard-work of high test scores and GPA will be devalued against the color of my skin.

It is not just Johnny and me getting stiffed by the system. It's the 20.5 million students that are to applying to American colleges and universities (according to National Center for Education Statistics). . It’s your children, your grandchildren, your neighbors, your babysitter. It could be you. Anyone applying to college is going to put through the racial ringer that adds and subtracts probability of acceptance based on