Pros And Cons Of Affirmative Action To Reverse Discrimination

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The human race is no stranger to harming, insulting, belittling, and even killing other people because they are different. People can be quick to judge and make assumptions about others just because of their gender, skin color, race, religion, and national origin. The United States is no exception. Throughout the history of the United States, different groups of people were taken advantaged and used to further the strength, reputation, and wealth of the individual and country as a whole. Lucky this is not the eighteenth century and today people are considerably more opened minded and everyone can vote.
Discrimination has a long history in the United States and to discuss affirmative action it is important that we look back at a time that unfortunately …show more content…

Although colleges and jobs are not supposed to hire/accept people based on a quota it can happen on occasion in order to create a diverse environment. Another con is that it can promote color blindness. Color blindness is a concept that you don't see color when in fact that is a statement that degrades a person's identity. A university can lie and say that a person's race color, sex, and national origin doesn't matter, but the fact of the matter is if it is required for a person to check off a bo then you are not truly the case. We can not lie to ourselves and say that affirmative action is perfect, but our current situation remains that it is providing more opportunities for people/ groups who normally have none. So, till something better comes along we got to work with what we got. Imagine a world where the jobs you can apply to was limited and even if you were qualified you never caught the callback. This way reality for many Americans less than fifty years ago. One of the affirmative action important aspect (and pro) is that it guarantees equality in the workplace and it provides opportunities to historically disadvantaged groups. It's important that we try to a world where all of us can succeed not a select few. The only way we can continue to advance and evolve as a society is even everyone is treated fairly and …show more content…

Yes, it does or at least at some level. As I have said previously the affirmative actions the main goal is providing everyone an equal opportunity without the fear of being treated differently. To be quite honest I think one of the reasons I and many other less fortunate students got the opportunity to attend college was because of affirmative action. While I do understand that there are negative aspects to affirmative action and that it can't really be equal if you lower the expectations for a group of people I do think it is necessary at the moment. The public school system is not necessarily doing a proper job of providing an equal opportunity across the nation or preparing students for college. When I was in high school the classroom size was around 30 and there were only twenty beat-up textbooks (we couldn't even bring them home). While on the other hand one of my good friends that I meet in college also where to public school but in the suburbs and her experience seemed out straight out of a movie. I must admit that many of the people I meet seemed dumb smart and I felt like I was not at a college level I think I'm doing pretty well for myself. As of right now, the United States needs affirmative action and I think it's doing a decent job at promoting equality especially leveling the