Pros And Cons Of Affordable Care Act

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The affordable Care Act (ACA) or what is colloquially known as Obamacare is a federal statute of the United States that was signed into law on March 23, 2010 by President Barack Obama. It is one of the most significant regulatory overhauls of the US healthcare system since Medicare and Medicaid was passed in 1965, together with the amendment of the health care and education Reconciliation Act.

Ace what designed for specific reasons: to increase the quality and affordability of health insurance
Reduce the number of people who are uninsured ensure that healthcare cost for individuals and the government is reduced

For all its good intentions, however, ACA is not widely received with open arms. in fact the number of negative messages conveyed to Americans regarding the act is 15 times more than the positive messages. It is true however that Obamacare has its share of pros and cons, which people should know and understand in order to fully make an informed decision about the act.

List of Pros of the Affordable Care Act

Access to low-cost insurance …show more content…

Through subsidies that will help cover the costs, people who cannot afford health insurance will not be able to do so. health insurance companies were also mandated to implement the 80/20 rule where they spend 80% on patient care and quality improvements, while keeping their profits and other costs at 20%. Affordable health insurance is also made possible through Medicaid expansion the employers and the health insurance marketplace. What is even better is that limits on coverage are