Pros And Cons Of Affordable Care Act

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The Affordable Care Act
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), or Affordable Care Act (ACA) for short, and is frequently called by its nickname Obamacare. ACA is a universal healthcare plan that is designed to help lower the cost of healthcare for all U.S. citizen and to reduce the growing in health care spending ( It has been up to discussion ever since former President Obama was in office. Since the time that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of “Afford Care Act of 2010,” it has had many of disagreement. In this essay, I will talk about the history, the cost, the advantages, and disadvantages.
ObamaCare planned on cutting the national deficit by over two hundred billion dollars in the first 10 years, and …show more content…

According to the Obamacare includes benefits, rights, and protections here are some of them: Prohibit insurance companies from dropping your coverage if you get sick or make an honest mistake on your application. Eliminate pre-existing conditions and gender discrimination as reasons to decline coverage or raise rates so that you can’t be charged more based on your health status or gender. And Let young adults stay on their parents’ plans until age …show more content…

Insurance companies set limits on the amount of money they would spend on an individual consumer.
• More Screenings Are Covered
• Lower Prescription Drug Costs.
Disadvantages of having the Affordable Care Act
• Many People Have to Pay Higher Premiums.
• You Can Be Fined if You Don’t Have Insurance.
• Taxes Are Going up as a Result of the ACA, several new taxes were created to help pay for the ACA.
• Enrolling Can Be Complicated because of the website something it crashes.
• Businesses Are Cutting Employee Hours to Avoid Covering Employees.
The Health Insurance Marketplace has also known as the “Marketplace” or “exchange” it is the place where people without health care insurance can find information about health insurance options and also purchase health care insurance. The federal government controls the Marketplace, it is available at, for most states. Some states run their own Marketplaces ( It showing up everywhere now because many people are choosing it and it also have access to more care centers such as hospitals and doctor’s offices. You will pay less for your visits and