
Pros And Cons Of Autonomous Vehicles

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As John Krafcik said, “The vehicles will be fully self-driving. So you have your own personal space where you can sit back and relax.” Autonomous vehicles are one of the newest inventions in technology, this being said they are also one of the biggest debates in both the scientific and economic world. In “Driverless Cars Raise Hopes, Old Concerns for Disabled” by Ashley Halsey III they talk about the idea of self driving cars being useful to people who can not drive because of physical or mental disability. The article “Unsafe at Any Speed- The Case Against Human Drivers,” by Jake Pelini speaks about how the highest percent of automobile crashes are caused by distracted drivers, and how this number could be reduced by driverless cars. In Viveks Wadhwa’s article “Why India’s Ban on Self-Driving Cars Is Misguided” the idea that autonomous cars will encourage car-sharing, which then reduces pollution, rates less traffic, and allows the poor more mobility. The …show more content…

According to “Why India’s Ban on Self-Driving Cars Is Misguided” autonomous cars will be better off for the environment. “Among the technology’s greatest benefits would be a likely reduction in the horrible smog caused by city traffic with fewer vehicles being needed and designs that make them lighter and more fuel-efficient” ( Wadhwa 1). The usage of autonomous cars in America can help cut down the amount of pollution created by having a lot of cars on the road. The popularization of self driving cars will also improve commutes for people who live outside of towns, improving their acto of transportation. “People who live in the country would gain access to transportation services that put them nearly on par with their city cousins” (Wadhwa 2). This means the people who live far out in the country, but work in the inner city instead of them driving themselves to and from their work, they could sleep, or do work on their

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