
What Are The Pros And Cons Of Cell Phones In School

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According to a Pew Research Center study, “Some 88 percent of American teens ages 13 to 17 have or have access to a mobile phone, and a majority of teens (73 percent) have smartphones” (Matchan 1). In the past decade the amount of kids and teens with cell phones or smartphones has drastically increased. With the rise of smartphones Teachers and staff in schools have spent lots of time contemplating and trying to find the best way to combat this growing dilemma. Even though some people find that cell phones are beneficial to students learning, cell phones and other devices are a distraction to student learning and increase the amount of disloyalty in classrooms. Distractions are everywhere in the classroom, others talking, music that 's too loud, noise from other classrooms, but the biggest distraction comes from a tiny little device, a cell phone. Teachers and staff have been debating the pros and cons to cell phone use in the classroom. Becky Dieffenbach emphasizes that, “‘[Technology] just becomes a source of distraction for …show more content…

The opposing side may feel that there are many apps that can have a huge benefit in students learning. However, according to Miriam Morgenstern, “The texting, tweeting, and Snapchatting during class time are ‘an incredible distraction, and makes it much more difficult to teach,’ she said. ‘It’s pretty hard to compete with a very funny YouTube video’” (Matchan 1) Even though some teachers find that using cell phones in the classroom is beneficial to students learning, the need that students have to be on their phone constantly makes it hard for teachers to compete with technology in order to do their jobs. If students are constantly wondering what the latest youtube video is about, how are teachers going to teach their lesson? They are going to have a very hard time doing so, and therefore cell phones in the classroom are less beneficial them most

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