Pros And Cons Of Co-Sleeping

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Co-sleeping is a routine in which parents and their infants sleep together in the same bed. In some cases, co-sleeping can bond a relationship closer to a parent and their child. In other cases, there are some complications due to co-sleeping, possibly leading to death. In this research essay, I will be going over the pros and cons among co-sleeping and the alternatives parents can do to wean off co-sleeping.
It is completely understand for a parent to want their child sleeping in their own bed. There are a few pros to co-sleeping. It encourages breastfeeding by making nighttime nursing more convenient, helps a nursing mom get her sleep cycle in sync with her baby's, helps babies fall asleep more easily and go back to sleep more quickly when they wake up during the night, leads to more nighttime sleep overall for babies and helps parents who don't see their baby much during the day regain a sense of intimacy with their child [1]. Though there is a downside to co-sleeping. There is the possibility of a reduced amount of sleep for the parent. Infants move around and are verbal. Less sleep for baby. Equaling for parents to always want to nurture the baby at the first sight of a sound or movement. Then there is also the possibility of the blankets not giving the baby enough oxygen, and the possibility of SIDS. …show more content…

Each bed-sharer should agree that he or she is equally responsible for the infant and acknowledge that the infant is present, people on sedatives, medications or drugs, or is intoxicated or excessively unable to arouse should not co-sleep on the same surface with the infant, and excessively long hair on the mother should be tied up to prevent infant entanglement around the infant's

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