Pros And Cons Of Designer Babies

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Designing something of your own sounds cool but about your own child?! With constantly advancing technology and breakthroughs in science, the topic of designer babies would come sooner of later. Designer babies are babies who are genetically modified or selected to guarantee certain characteristics, make up, and intellectuality, but such advancement comes with many ethical dilemmas. Designer babies have been around in theory since the 1930s beginning with IVFs, expressed in a inevitable viable reference point Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and in present day with gene editing and selection. Designer babies are a in a sense a breakthrough in biomedical science but with the many favorable outlooks comes just as many cynical prospects of it. …show more content…

With gene editing and selection scientists can rid future babies of many medical complications and defects. Beginning with gene editing, it can edit the genes that will cause medical complications or complications. Then with gene selection, it’s possible to select “desirable” genes and traits so the baby can lose any genetic disorders in which the parents possess and stop diseases that are in which case preventable or even treatable and is done through the process of pre-implantation screening and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. To summarize “Pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) identifies embryos at elevated risk of having genetic abnormalities” a pick and choose process in short decreasing the risk of the child having any genetic disorders (Lener 2). As well as Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) can be coupled with IVF to screen oocytes and embryos for certain genetic markers prior to implantation (Lender 2). Which can help identify the presence of genetic markers for certain hereditary diseases, allowing for the selection of embryos for implantation that are most likely to be free of such