
Pros And Cons Of Direct Elections

539 Words3 Pages

Rough Draft
Maddie Kwasniewski
Mr. Davis
Avanced Writing
November 9, 2017
Direct Elections Presidental elections sweep the large nation of America, with huge debates on who will win, who should win, who would best suit being the president, etc. The most recent election using the electoral college, a voting system with electoral votes and whoever has the larger amount of votes in that state gets all of the votes, had people shocked, mad and even violent. The U.S has a popular vote, more formally known as direct election, where very single vote counts but, unfortunately, it basically does nothing because the winner is determined based off of the electoral college. The electoral college goes off of majority rules which is easier but it should use direct election instead because every vote should count and using it would make America a true democracy. …show more content…

According to https://medium.com/@LouisGudema/seven-reasons-to-elect-the-president-by-popular-vote-192ff17e5357 ," The way the Electoral College works today is that if a candidate wins a state by even a single vote they win all of that state’s electors." From this one can infer, that if someone doesn't vote with the majority, while the electoral college in place, their vote doesn't even count. From the same article it sates," This is not too far off from what has happened this year, in which the swing of just 108,000 votes across three states — less than .1% of the total popular vote — would have produced a different Electoral College outcome." This evidence proves that, if there is a tie one vote changes the who entire states votes. Because every vote should count the U.S should use direct

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