Was Hiroshima Bombing Justified

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In the sixty years since World War 2, President Truman 's decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan has been questioned by many people. The bombing caused many deaths but also clearly marked the end of the long drawn-out war. The justifications for the bombing are still however a widely discussed debate. Arguments supporting the justification of the bombing involve the President 's stern belief that the Japanese had brought it on themselves, and that the bombing would end the war and save many American lives. The counter-arguments were that the Japanese were already defeated and so ‘why was it necessary to drop the bomb?”. Especially the second type, as evidence suggests that the Japanese were already defeated. Bombing and killing the innocent people shouldn’t ever be justified, however, it was a war and the American government did warn the Japanese about the consequences of continuing the fight.

On August 6, 1945, the atomic bomb enriched with uranium, coded “Little boy”, was dropped over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The project was coded ‘Trinity’ when the first and only testing of ‘Little boy’ was on July 16th, 1945, near Alamogordo, New Mexico. This was considered to be spectacularly successful, however the bomb that was actually dropped on Hiroshima on august 6th resulted into …show more content…

General Groves, the Engineer Director of the Manhattan Project was desperate to see fruits of his labours before the end of the war. The cost to develop the bomb was $2 billion dollars was taken into great account as it would have been difficult to justify not using it after such a vast financial investment. The project produced 2 bombs, the one dropped on Nagasaki, however, was simply an unnecessary experiment to just try it out. So finally, I believe that the dropping of the first bomb was justified, however, the second dropping was