Atomic Bomb Dbq

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As all the world has known, the biggest atomic bomb in warfare history by the end of World War 2 is the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima that hit on August 9th, 1945 by the direct order of our 33rd president of The United States Of America; Harry S. Truman. He thought this bomb would bring a close ending of the war (World War 2) and it definitely did but it was too much to handle afterwards when it hit. There was no choice for Truman because there was no other way to bring the war into a close. It was the last call, but they didn’t realize that after they released the bomb, it was hard to decide whether it was a mistake or the right decision. The bomb killed innocent people of 199,000 (plus more). The atomic weapon destroyed most parts of the a Japanese town of Nagasaki and Hiroshima . …show more content…

Up to 40,000 feet buildings collapsed, and homes were destroyed up to ½ of a mile of both towns. The total number of houses that were there before the atomic explosion was 50,000, and the total houses and buildings that were destroyed were 19,587, but 30,413 were undamaged. The souls of people who died because of the bomb in Nagasaki 135,000 and the total number of people who died in Hiroshima was 64,000. People died into dust with the nuclear chemicals that were impossible to survive if you were too close to the bomb. People who survived still have nuclear acid in their bodies that can give them numerous amounts of cancer when they grow up if they survived still in their young age. The social impact of the Hiroshima bombing was of all the people who died, and the buildings that were destroyed when the bomb