
Pros And Cons Of Edward Snowden

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“Big brother is watching you” in 2013 a 29 year old government worker named Edward snowden,sent a portion of private files delineating the government's national confidential equipment on how the government spies on the globe with a surveillance machine(Edward Snowden.).Snowden felt that the gov should not be recording its citizens private information.With radical terrorism not likely to go down anytime soon, many people are willing to give away their rights for a little safety. As Benjamin Franklin once said “If someone is willing to trade his freedom for safety, he deserve neither.” In the age of digital information going in so many directions and ensnaring many innocent bystanders, digital surveillance becomes hard to manage and overtime …show more content…

Case in point is the issue of hackers(Should governments spy. ). While it can be wise to store information on backups and other storage, who are opening to the problem of letting others control access to your account. In addition to illegal searches and customized ads, if this information were allowed to sit out without any -protection, there is the threat of hackers being able to access an individual's computer. This further leads to damaged property, insecurity and potentially embarrassment. Further. The centralization of information through government clearing house makes it easier for crooks to steal data in one easy swoop(10 Reasons why ). One way the government could make it a little more safe is by encrypting the most sensitive files in the databases(10 Reasons why). But that remains to be …show more content…

Out of 19 potential terrorists most were actually trained by the US government, that prevented crimes from occurring by seeking those who need help in carrying out attacks . (Infowars) Most of the attackers were given faulty supplies by the intelligence community or other law enforcement bodies. And of the skills that are gathered, it is often less fright to onlookers looking at the new situation. 9/11 is one example of a failure to heed reason of intelligence getting it right. But even then, that was not found through the domestic wiretap program, but through international programs that were specifically

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