Pros And Cons Of Epicurus

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Epicurus’ ethics is one of egoistic hedonism, i.e. “the theory that one ought to only pursue one’s pleasure as an ultimate end” (Larveson, L7). He proposes that since sensations are what define us, which include pleasure and pain, learning how to maximize pleasure and minimize pain is how to live a virtuous life or the good life (Epicurus, pg. 59). Thus, our actions that we do lies in that it maximizes pleasure and minimizes pain for us. Although he did say only rightfully act if it would result in pleasure, he did not recommend living extravagantly. This is pointed out in Larveson 's lecture notes; debating the pros and cons of a passionate love affair. In Epicurus’s view, to have the affair would prove to have the most pleasure, however, could also bring the most pain. The sum, Epicurus would see, would not net the most pleasure. This is because the things that we might find pleasurable at the moment could come back and be returned as pain. It seems that Epicurus also wants to look ahead, i.e. long-term consequences, which are just as important, and probably more than short-term consequences (Epicurus, pg 59-60). This could be, for example, over indulgence in desserts or alcohol, which while in moderation would provide us pleasure, immoderation of these pleasures would eventually catch up, and the pain would outweigh the …show more content…

We always choose to aim at the good, but people often mistake what is good for a vice. For example, a coward will suffer fear at any hint of danger whereas a rash person will not heed (Aristotle, pg. 33).The cowardice and rashness are the extremes, the excess and deficiencies and the intermediate of these is the virtue of courage the excellent person would be able to observe the mean of fear and confidence and avoid displaying the extremes. Simply, the excellent or virtuous man does not fear what does not need to be feared, and similarly for