Pros And Cons Of Euthanasia And Assisted Suicide

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Euthanasia and assisted suicide is huge controversy that we face today. Many people believe that euthanasia is morally wrong and that it should be banned but others say that euthanasia should be a choice given to terminally ill patients who are suffering in immense pain.

Many believe that euthanasia shouldn’t be an option because patients have palliative care to keep them out of pain but the thing is that palliative care doesn’t always work and without the choice of assisted suicide, patients will find their own method of ending their lives. Susie Byrne states, “I’ve always felt that even though access to good palliative care is first and foremost in end of life care, there are just some occasions where despite everyone’s best efforts, you’re …show more content…

Brittany Maynard, a woman diagnosed with aggressive brain cancer at age 29 and given less than six months to live, states that she would never make the choice for someone whether or not they should choose euthanasia and asks how someone could possibly tell her that she doesn’t deserve that choice for herself and should have to suffer in pain. Also Chantal Peticlerc states, “But let me tell you, there is nothing more frustrating, when you are a person with a disability and vulnerable, than to feel as if you have no control over your own life.” If someone has a terminal illness they should have the choice to end their suffering through assisted suicide. Patients feel helpless without this option and feel like their lives are out of their control. How would you feel if you were in immense amounts of pain and everything that the doctors tried to do to help it didn’t work? How would you feel if you just wanted to pass away with dignity and in comfort but you didn’t have that option? This is why patients need to have the choice of assisted suicide. It is their life so it should be their choice when and how they leave