Pros And Cons Of Felons

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What do you think of when you hear the word “felon”? Do you scan through the many stigmas attached to the word? Do you wonder what “god awful” thing they did to land themselves with that ugly word written in capital letters on their forehead? Or do you, in a more humane sense, wonder how they will ever succeed in life again now that “felon” is their new name? Life after incarceration is not easy by any means. Just because they are “freed” from a prison cell, does not actually make them free. Not only do these newly named felons have to pay fines and report to a parole officer as often as court deemed, they are also stripped of countless rights and opportunities. Voting right are taken from them, basically depriving them of their stance as an …show more content…

Every application they are given asks “Have you ever been convicted of a felony?”, which, of course, they must answer honestly, or it only comes back to bite them. However, checking yes on that box almost always results in the loss of that job opportunity. Only a handful of companies are willing to hand out second chances to felons who have proved themselves worthy. On the other hand, though, in the event that a felon is constantly denied job opportunities, what is he/she supposed to do? With no money, you quite literally can’t do anything. The rest of the “non-felon” society who can’t find work can easily get government assistance through healthcare and welfare. Food stamps is a huge welfare program considering food is the most basic necessity of life. Although, if you’re new name is “felon”, they government tells you “that’s too bad” and denies you of food stamps and even low-quality healthcare which is also a huge necessity- two more barriers. The government denies almost all government funded assistance programs to felons, including housing and federal education. So, how do we, the American people, expect someone whom now has a label branded on their forehead that is completely and wrongfully stigmatized, and is also very likely dirt poor, to succeed after taking away every single small opportunity of help