Pros And Cons Of Fracking

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Hydraulic fracturing, otherwise known as “fracking,” by definition, means the process of drilling and injecting fluid into the ground thousands of feet deep, at a high pressure; in order to fracture shale rocks to release the natural gases inside (Schrope n.d.). A more adequate explanation on to why we perform the method of “fracking” is that it is an easier process to obtain the natural gases inside the rocks. These natural gases are used for many sources of energy throughout the world. Natural gases have also been proven to be more cleaner and more efficient source than coal. The process of fracking involves drilling through deep wells into the shale rocks which breaks up the rock shales releasing these natural gases. While fracking has been a more efficient and cleaner process, there are many dangers that come along with this process which many people overlook. With many countries including the United States using fracking, it is still on going method that many still use today. With this, there are many pros and cons that come along with fracking. This has been a …show more content…

There are many more pros and cons on this topic to explore but I wanted to cover some of the main points I have found while researching this topic. While fracking continues to be a cleaner source of energy, it has much more negative implications than good. While researching and reading these articles helped develop more knowledge on hydrofracking. While leaning more towards the bad side of fracking, I felt there still needed to be further research done in order for me to make a solid statement on which side to take. Hydraulic fracturing is definitely a huge debate in today’s scientific world and if there were much more negative implications causing more harm than good, the time will come where this “more efficient and cleaner method” will come to an

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