The Pros And Cons Of Fracking

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Since fracking was introduced in 1949, well over 2 million frack treatments have been pumped without a single documented case of treatments polluting a water aquifer (Worstall). This shows that with the correct management and prevention of risks fracking can be seen as a positive. Fracking is also a positive as it dives down gas prices allowing the utilities the American people receive from the gas goes up as they spend less money on it and also fracking has begun to create jobs that are available to Michigan residences. However, many skeptics believe that fracking can be seen as a negative as it pollutes the air and water, thus damaging the Earth. The Earth is already beginning to be negatively impacted by pollution and the burning of greenhouse …show more content…

It has been recorded that America has already surpassed Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest oil producer in some ways. Fracking is helping to make America soon to become one of the largest natural gas and oil exporters as gas prices have dropped to $55 a barrel. This would cause America to leave the Middle East as there is no reason to keep stability for the good of supplying the country with oil if they began to frack their own (Mlive). America has plenty of oil being discovered daily, allowing the United States government to become independent from foreign nations. With America able to produce natural gases and oil on its own America, then will have a level up on nations that are using natural gases as a political lever like Russia. By becoming less dependent on Russia, the United States will be able to properly deal with Russia if they chose to invade the Ukraine again (Davenport). America will not be worried about losing natural gases and oil supplies if they do go against Russia who constantly holds the supply they hold over America and Europe’s head as a political lever (Clayton). Michigan is helping contribute to this cause of independence by fracking in Northern Michigan in Kalkaska County …show more content…

Until renewable energy is able to thrive and survive in the United States, Fracking can be used to help buy more time to transfer, the United States entirely over to renewable energy thus making America more eco-friendly. By using natural gas fracked in Michigan it is helping industries begin to bridge a gap in fuel as they begin to focus on solar, wind and hydro energy in the near future that can help future generations to keep the Earth healthy and alive (List Of Top 9 Pros And Cons Of Fracking). This is another reason why fracking should be allowed in Michigan as it will help everyone be able to eventually cross over to eco-friendly, and energy that can be used for generations to

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