Persuasive Essay On Hydraulic Fracking

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Senator Vicente Gonzalez, we have an issue at hand. This issue does not get the attention that it deserves. Hydraulic fracking happens to that issue. Hydraulic fracking needs a great deal of attention especially in our State of Texas. This issue has its benefits but it also has its setbacks. These setbacks are a great danger to our environment. We need to seek change and pursue better and cleaner energy sources.
Twenty-one states currently allow fracking. Those states are experience a “fracking boom.” Growth in jobs, increased community conditions, and making the U.S less dependent on foreign oil. Why would we turn down these great benefits? Although improved society and an economic boom are essential for a thriving nation, this process also contributing to global warming, pollution of our water and air supply, as well as the increase in seismic activity. These effects are sometimes irreversible and difficult to combat.
In the case of global warming, fracking plays a huge role. Fracking produces greenhouse gases like methane and carbon dioxide. These trapping gases will only make the Earth hotter and melt the polar ice caps quicker. This will bring about unbearable irreversible effects to our states, country, and Earth. …show more content…

In the fracking process, large amounts of water are needed to execute it. Usage of our freshwater to frack is costing us clean water. Even during the actual process, chemicals and contaminated water can often leak and reach local water supplies. The disposal of the water that comes back up is often disposed improperly. It is often injected back into the ground or left out in evaporation ponds. This chemically contaminated water will then evaporate into our atmosphere. This would lead to a contaminated atmosphere and communities. In many local cases, nearby residents have experienced health issues due to the unsafe environments fracking

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